WGY Ask the Expert: Crucial Conversations During the Holidays

Each week iHeartMedia radio station, WGY, invites local experts to share their knowledge on a range of topics. Recently, they invited attorney Lou Pierro to share his biggest tips on Estate Planning.

With many people going home for the holidays, it is a good time to take stock of your parents’ health and how they are doing. Lou stressed the importance of having open conversations about what planning has been done, and what is still left to be completed. Inquiring about long-term care is also important, to avoid any possible crisis in the future. Listen to the first podcast for more tips.

              Lou Pierro, Esq.  
              Lou Pierro, Esq.

In the next podcast, host Joe Gallagher asks Lou what should be the top priority when someone is thinking about Estate Planning. Lou shares how PCA looks at basic Estate Planning as a four-legged stool. The documents that make up that stool are: Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Disposition of Remains. It is important to already have two of the legs completed by the time you leave for college, the Power of Attorney and the Health Care Proxy. These are the documents that appoint decision makers. For example, if your child leaves for college without naming you as a HCP, you will have no right to their medical information should something happen to them while they are away.

The holidays are a perfect time to get together with family and discuss all of these things. Call today to set up your free consultation and let the experts help you!