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“I became a lawyer because I didn’t want to go into my father’s handbag manufacturing business!

Becoming a founder of the practice of elder law has been a great thing and changed my life. And gave me the opportunity to earn a living but also be somewhat of a semi-social worker, a psychologist. And it’s been wonderful.”

Peter J. Strauss, Esq.

Senior Counsel

Peter Strauss has practiced trusts and estate law since 1961 and has special expertise in the legal problems of aging and persons with disabilities, end-of-life issues and the capacity of persons with disabilities to execute legal documents with respect to health care.

He is a founding member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, a Fellow of the American Academy of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) and a Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Law at the New York Law School, where he teaches Elder Law and is director of the guardianship clinic.

Mr. Strauss has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2025 edition of the Best Lawyers in America® for three practice areas: Elder Law, Litigation – Trusts and Estates, and Trusts and Estates; it is his 17th year of this recognition.

He is the 2022 recipient of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys “Theresa Award,” given annually by the Theresa Alessandro Russo Foundation to recognize an attorney for outstanding achievements, efforts and advocacy for individuals with disabilities. Mr. Strauss was also the recipient of the New York State Bar Association “2019 Attorney Professionalism Award,” given to one attorney in the State each year. He has been honored from 2007 to 2019 as one of the New York Metropolitan Area’s “Best Lawyers,” and “Super Lawyer” from 2007 to 2016.


Mr. Strauss is a prolific author and has written articles for various publications including the New York Law Journal and Bottom Line Personal and has addressed many national professional and consumer organizations. He is the author of the consumer book, “The Complete Retirement Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Safeguard Your Money, Your Health and Your Independence,” (Facts-on-File, Inc. 2003).

Professional and Community Involvement

Mr. Strauss presently serves on the Executive Committee of the Elder Law & Special Needs Section of the New York State Bar Association, the Board of Directors of End of Life Choices New York and JALBCA (Judges & Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert) and the Steering Committee of the Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine.

Special Features

“Why I Became a Lawyer” – and the Birth of Elder Law

2019 Attorney Professionalism Award

Peter J. Strauss was honored by the New York State Bar Association by awarding him with the prestigious Attorney Professionalism Award, granted each year to a single attorney in the State. The honor was presented at the annual NYSBA President’s Pro Bono Service Awards in Albany by President Michael Miller and President-Elect Henry Greenberg.
Click here to read more about the award >

Peter J. Strauss Focus Areas


  • New York University School of Law, Juris Doctor, 1961
  • Bowdoin College, Bachelor of Arts, 1957


  • New York State Bar Association

Professional Memberships

  • The New York Law School
    • Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Law (1992 to date)
    • Director, the Elder Law Clinic (Guardianship Clinic) (formerly co-Director with Professor Lawrence Grosberg)
    • Professor, Elder Law and Aging in America
  • Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) in 2013
  • Member, Board of Directors, DOROT, Inc., 1999- 2005
    • Established DOROT’s program, Generations in Harmony, with funds from the Irving Caesar Trust
  • Fellow, founding member (1988) and member of Board of Directors (1988 1991), The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. (NAELA)
  • Member, New York City Bar Association


  • Trusts & Estates
    • America’s Long-Term Care Crisis: What Resources Can Your Client Use to Help Defray These Costs?  (With Russell N. Adler and Regina Kiperman)
  • Elder Law and Special Needs Law Journal, New York State Bar Association
    • Freely and Independently: Diluting the Right of and A.I.P. to Retain Counsel in an Article 81 Proceeding
  • National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
    • Appointing a Guardian in America: How Do We Get There?

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