PALMS memberships will ensure that your plans are carried out, and save you time and money in the management of your personal, financial and legal planning.

Let PALMS Simplify Your Life

PALMS (Professional Advisors Lifetime Management System) technology gives you and your team of professional advisors an invaluable tool during the development, lifetime maintenance and after-death administration of your financial, tax and estate plan.

Powered by Inheralink®

As a PALMS member, you will have your own account on our secure website server. Your total net worth statement and portfolio can be updated easily, powered by Inheralink, a secure storage platform that enables you to organize and manage all your estate planning in one place.

You will have 24-7 access to your PALMS website, including all vital documents, from anywhere in the World with an internet connection. You will now have your own “Private Advisor Network,” with all of your core advisors in the loop.

View A Sample PALMS Account:

PALMS memberships will ensure that your plans are carried out, and save you time and money in the management of your personal, financial and legal planning.

To view a sample account, please input the following information:

Username: [email protected]

Password: Samplelaw!

Please note: Inheralink is designed for laptops and desktops and will not be viewed properly on a smartphone or tablet.

What’s Included With PALMS

A comprehensive annual meeting with your attorney from Pierro, Connor & Strauss

24/7 access to a clear, concise online dashboard displaying summaries of all your legal and financial information through Inheralink

Analysis, new insights and recommendations that will help your strategy continue its success as changes in life, laws and regulations affect your existing plan

Direct phone access to your attorney at no additional cost (2 hours per year)

Immediate access to legal documents, your asset information and values, anywhere, anytime

Personalized Total Net Worth Statement

Updates to your financial and personal info and profile with no appointment necessary

That orderly vision is what PALMS is all about. To synchronize the moving parts of our clients’ complex lives, we have integrated a secure web-based application, with extraordinary service to offer members a program that will organize, update and utilize the key information that forms the basis for their personal, financial and legal planning. The annual advisors’ meeting built into the PALMS system will enable each member to achieve a level of service that only a true Family Office could match, at a small fraction of the cost.”

Louis W. Pierro, Esq.

Member Benefits

  • Track your Tax Cost Basis.
  • Produce current data spreadsheets for your review and changes prior to your annual meeting with an attorney from Pierro, Connor & Associates, LLC.
  • Conduct an annual meeting with your core advisors from Pierro, Connor & Associates, LLC and your other financial and tax advisors to update your data, advise you of changes in the law and recommend new planning strategies.
  • Provide analysis of updates and changes in the law affecting your existing estate plan at our annual meeting and offer specific recommendations on how to address the changes.
  • Review your current information with you.
  • Create your PALMS account on the secure web server maintained by Connect2A.
  • Track the ownership and changes in ownership and beneficiary designations for all of your assets (designation of IRA beneficiaries, trust funding and other important information).
  • Scan and download all important documents, assuring that all documents are available to you at a moment’s notice.
  • Provide you with access to your current data base via your secure internet web site whenever you wish to review your asset status and values.
  • Provide you with a Total Net Worth statement and update your portfolio on a periodic basis.

PALMS Clients Say:

Using the PALMS System in conjunction with our attorney’s advice has brought even more benefits than anticipated. Not only does PALMS provide orderly filing for all important documents needed for current and future planning, but also it is a useful resource for keeping family and business contact information current.

Working through and fulfilling the PALMS program is a highly insightful process, and the end product brings a panoramic financial view of your situation for future decisions.