Who Will Speak For You When You Can’t?
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
Kristen A. Peck, Esq
Choosing the right person to be your agent under a Power of Attorney or Health Care Proxy is critical, and it needs to be done now while you are able to make decisions.
But who?
Who do you trust to make decisions on your behalf if you are unable? For instance, if you’re incapacitated during an accident, while undergoing surgery or due to an illness, which people in your life would follow your wishes for legal, financial and health care decision making?
In this Life Happens podcast, attorneys Lou Pierro and Kristen Peck explain the responsibilities of a power of attorney [POA] and health care proxy [HCP] and how to choose these agents. They’ll answer:
• How a POA pays your bills or withdraws funds from your bank accounts, trades stock, pays bills, and cashes checks
• How you can empower your HCP to make medical decisions; for example, to start or stop a particular treatment, choose doctors and specialists, or to continue or stop life support
• What you should consider if YOU are asked to be a POA or HCP; the time, responsibility and emotional endurance needed
• What happens when family members disagree with a POA or HCP’s role
• How serving as POA or HCP can be tremendously gratifying
Call Pierro, Connor & Strauss to schedule a free consultation about planning for these vital advance directives today.
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.