Passing Away Without a Plan: Lessons Learned from Celebrities
Your Hosts
Frank E. Hemming III, Esq.
Kristen A. Peck, Esq.
September 10, 2022
Hosts: Frank Hemming and Kristen Peck
The tragic news that actress Anne Heche died in a car crash last month was followed with another unfortunate revelation: she passed away without having a will in place. On August 31, her son filed a petition with a Los Angeles court to become the administrator of his mother’s estate, noting that he and another son are Heche’s only heirs.
On this show, we talk about the consequences of not creating an estate plan, often brought to light in the cases of celebrities. Michael Jackson, Chadwick Boseman, Sonny Bono, Jimmy Hendrix, Pablo Picasso, Prince, Aretha Franklin and Amy Winehouse all reportedly died without having a will. Attorneys Frank Hemming and Kristen Peck will discuss how a lack of planning can lead to costly and lengthy court proceedings, and can be avoided if you are proactive.
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