Medicare and Medicaid: Differences and Opportunities
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
Peter J. Strauss, Esq.
October 29, 2022
Hosts: Louis Pierro and Peter J. Strauss
On podcast, attorneys Lou Pierro and Peter Strauss give you a close look at two federal programs that make a major difference in the lives of many seniors: Medicare and Medicaid.
It’s especially important to know because the Medicare Open Enrollment period runs through December 7 — when seniors can make changes to their health and drug coverage for 2023.
The choices can be daunting, but Peter will describe the different plans and how you know which is right for you, including Medicare Advantage, prescription plans and supplemental coverage. Are costs and deductibles changing? Find out on our program.
Understanding the difference between Medicare and Medicaid is also important: it’s a surprise to many that only Medicaid covers the exorbitant costs of long-term care. If you or a loved one have a chronic illness or disability, you’ll learn about legal strategies and important deadlines. Or, if you want to plan ahead in order to qualify for skilled nursing or home care benefits while preserving your assets, this program will explain how.
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