Have You Taken Advantage of All That NYS Offers Seniors?
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
Greg Olsen
May 18, 2024
Hosts: Louis Pierro with Special Guests Greg Olsen, NYS Office for the Aging and Becky Preve, Association on Aging in New York
Are you aware of the incredible programs and services available to seniors in New York State? Tune in to this Life Happens episode to learn all about it.
Host Lou Pierro welcomes back two guests who have their fingers on the pulse of the extensive network of services and resources to help older New Yorkers be as independent as possible.
Greg Olsen, Acting Director of the NYS Office For the Aging (NYSOFA) and Becky Preve, Executive Director of the Association on Aging in New York, will share first-hand knowledge of information that can transform lives, including:
- NYSOFA’s innovative programs and services, such as Ageless Innovation/Joy for All; GetSetUp; GoGoGrandparent; Intuition Robotics – just to name a few!
- Results of the first statewide Needs Assessment Survey
- Community Care Connections
- EverHome Columbia County Pilot Project -technology that monitors real-time care in the home
- Integrated Care Model examples to age independently
Greg and Becky also spoke at the annual Elder Law Forum hosted by Pierro, Connor & Strauss this week – and will debrief the highlights during the Show. Whether you are a senior yourself, a caregiver, or simply interested in the welfare of older adults, this episode of Life Happens Radio is packed with crucial information that can transform lives.
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