Fair hearings: Fair to whom?
Your Hosts
Aaron E. Connor, Esq.
Frank E. Hemming III, Esq.
April 30,2022
Hosts: Aaron E. Connor and Frank E. Hemming
If you or someone you care about is applying for Medicaid benefits for long-term care in the home, consider this: there’s a possibility the application could be denied! Or – the applicant may not get approval for the number of hours of home care needed. What can you do? You can appeal!
On this Life Happens Radio show, attorneys Aaron Connor and Frank Hemming explain the process of fair hearings in these cases. And with all the changes coming to New York’s Medicaid Home Care program in 2022, it’s a very good time to find out what legal rights you have if you are denied benefits!
Aaron and Frank explain why we expect there will be more fair hearings piling up because of these restrictive rule changes. In this process, an applicant can challenge the decisions in court if he or she has been denied the needed number of hours of home care, or the medical and financial eligibility to get Medicaid approval in the first place.
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