Estate Planning Checklist: Are You At Risk In Retirement?
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
Aaron E. Connor, Esq.
August 20, 2022
Hosts: Louis Pierro and Aaron Connor
You’ve worked hard to build wealth and set the stage for a secure retirement, but will your plan succeed? The government is waiting for its share through fees, taxes and the looming costs of Long- Term Care.
On this Life Happens Radio show, estate planning attorneys Louis Pierro and Aaron Connor will share a checklist for you to evaluate whether you are at risk in retirement or if you are right on track with proper planning. Grab a notebook and sharpen your pencils as Lou and Aaron walk you through our Estate Planning Checklist on August 20th. Then, you can tally your score to see where you land on the “Risk Retirement Scale.”
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