In Todays Life Happens Radio Podcast
Your Hosts
Bob Vandy
PierrolawBrian Johnson
PierrolawWe know, it’s easy. We’re busy. We see, read or hear a headline and draw a conclusion about a story, even though a full reading of that story may paint a completely different picture. We see it all the time in insurance planning. This TV show host, or blogger, or even radio personality(!) may offer up his or her opinion, without knowing anything about your specific situation, planning desires or goals. For example:
“Everybody should have only term life insurance.” Is that true? Is term insurance best for everyone?
“I heard Long Term Care Insurance rates have gone up 100%, and will keep going up, so I just won’t bother” Is that really true and, worse yet, is that really the approach you should take to your LTC planning?
The problem is that some people are basing some of their most important planning decisions on some of those conclusions. It’s been said, “if something you thought to be true…turned out not to be true…when would you want to know?” I think we would all respond “right away!”
Click on this podcast to hear Bob Vandy and Brian Johnson on Life Happens Radio, along with guest host Lou Pierro, as they help you roll up your sleeves on some of these issues, clarify some of the misinformation out there, and help you do your best planning by NOT putting “your [insurance] eggs in one basket.”
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.