“Decisions, Decisions…Who Will Make Them When You Can’t?”
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro
Founding Partner, Pierro, Connor & Strauss
PierrolawPeter J. Strauss
Senior Partner, Pierro, Connor & Strauss
PierrolawHosts Louis W. Pierro and Peter J. Strauss
As we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day weekend, maintaining your independence takes on a whole new meaning when advanced age, accident or illness take away your ability to decide for yourself.
Managing finances, paying bills, deciding on health care choices or simply choosing where you live can fall to strangers – or worse – dishonest family members. One need only look to the ongoing saga of Britney Spears to see how destructive court-ordered Guardianships can be.
So how do you protect yourself? In this Life Happens podcast, attorneys Peter Strauss and Lou Pierro walked step-by-step through the use of two vital documents that together create a plan to ensure that your wishes are carried out, by the people you trust: the power of attorney and health care proxy.
No matter how old you are, or how good your health is now, having these ‘advance directives’ in place can keep you free and independent when Life Happens.
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.