In Todays Life Happens Radio Podcast
Your Hosts
Aaron E. Connor, Esq.
PierrolawFrank E. Hemming III, Esq.
PierrolawChances are you didn’t expect to usher 2019 in with a string of unanticipated doctor’s appointments and hospital visits. But it’s inevitable when a family member’s health worsens over the holidays. These crises can also lead to quickly scheduled meetings to discuss the financial and legal ramifications when your loved one needs immediate or long-term care.
On this LHR podcast, attorneys Aaron Connor and Frank Hemming share real life stories of holiday care crises, and how estate and trust planning plays a critical role. At Pierro, Connor & Strauss, we frequently get calls between Thanksgiving and early January from clients who have gathered for holiday celebrations – only to find an imminent health care need for aging parents. Aaron and Frank discuss strategies to:
Ensure estate documents are drawn up correctly so that funds can be transferred if necessary, and your family member’s wishes will be carried out
Update health care proxy and the MOLST form which governs life-sustaining treatment
Protect assets that could otherwise be spent down for medical costs
Become Medicaid-eligible as quickly as possible
Manage immediate care needs affordably
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.