Caring for Parents Without Going Broke
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
Peter J. Strauss, Esq.
Frank E. Hemming III, Esq.
August 27, 2022
Hosts: Louis W. Pierro, Peter J. Strauss, and Frank E. Hemming III
A recent study found that nearly 60-percent of adult children say they can’t afford any kind of professional elder care for their parents. Half of those surveyed said they’ve never broached the subject of finances with their parents. More than a third worry that their parents will become a financial burden to them.
These are concerns we often hear when clients and their children meet with our attorneys. Seniors who are in the “Baby Boomer” generation – born between 1946 and 1964 – may not have planned for the cost of long-term care, causing stress for the whole family when health declines and caregiving is urgently needed.
On this show, we’re offering solutions to this plight. Elder law attorneys Lou Pierro, Peter Strauss and Frank Hemming – with a combined 110+ years of legal experience – will explain how to preserve assets and afford care, plus the options available once a loved one is IN a health crisis. They’ll also discuss how children can jumpstart this process and the important role they can take in legal and financial decision making.
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.