In Todays Life Happens Radio Podcast
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro
Bob Vandy
PierrolawSpecial Guest Lizzie Feulner
PierrolawLizzie Feulner has a routine every Saturday morning. She dusts some of her furniture from 11am-12pm while listening to Life Happens Radio. She had met host Lou Pierro previously and says the show speaks to her concerns.
“I have lots of questions that I want to ask that maybe I would be embarrassed to ask. And I hear them from other people on his radio show, and he gives them the answers,” she said.
Over the summer, Lizzie decided to get more answers. As one of the leaders of the Galway Seniors in Saratoga County, she organized a workshop at the Town Hall on September 19th, where Lou and fellow attorney Frank Hemming spoke to the group about estate and long-term care planning.
The Galway seniors had a range of questions: on protecting their homes, qualifying for Medicaid, getting home care, and staying out of the nursing home.
“Workshops like this educate people,” Lizzie said. “Seniors? We don’t know the law. We hear from the Office of the Aging, we see little clips in our newsletters. But in every State it changes. Laws change every year. Today a lot of people went away with a wealth of knowledge.”
On Saturday, September 21, Lou shared some of the questions posed by the Galway Seniors that cover topics you may be thinking about. He was joined by attorney Rebecca Cerny.
Also during the Show: Bob Vandy of Advisors Insurance Brokers will be calling the WGY Studio from Siena College where thousands of Capital Region residents will be on The Walk to End Alzheimer’s.
Listen to this Life Happens Radio podcast to get insights into questions to ask about estate and long-term care planning.
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