In Todays Life Happens Radio Podcast
Your Hosts
Louis W. Pierro, Esq.
PierrolawRebecca Cerny, Esq.
PierrolawIf you are a fan of the 1970’s television show, All in the Family, then you remember how Archie Bunker could complain about everything, including his family at times. At the core, though, ‘family’ meant everything to the Bunkers: Archie, Edith, Gloria and Michael (the Meathead). The home and all its contents were at the center of their lives.
On this Life Happens Radio podcast, we examine how families can use legal strategies to keep property and other assets in the family for further generations, which can involve complex planning.
Attorneys Lou Pierro and Rebecca Cerny describe how to design a plan that secures your legacy, including:
The family vacation home: how to structure who inherits it, how bills will be paid and repairs will be made
Your valuables: how heirlooms and keepsakes should be handed down
Family LLC strategies to protect assets from in-laws!
Advantages of Beneficiary-Controlled and Standalone Retirement Trusts
Life Happens…..Are You Prepared?
Contact us today for a FREE consultation and we’ll be happy to help take the worry out of tomorrow so you can live today.